Joined In Aug 2020
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A CONTINUATION OF THE PREVIOUS REVIEW THAT GARY DAY HAS ALREADY PLACED ON THE DIVER WEBSITE IN REGARD TTO MY CHALLENGE TO PROVE WHO IS TELLING THE TRUTH ABOUT A WATERPIPE LEAK IN MY DRIVEWAY THE DIVER RESPONSE BEING The information you have written above is not correct which you are aware of, and the fact remains that the depth of the hole that was required to be dug was deep enough to require another team member onsite to ensure the safety of our employees. The repair you refer to was obviously not the same as it was not close to the surface as you claim and our evidence proved. SEEING THAT YOU BALKED AT PROVING WHO WAS RIGHT. ABOUT THE DEPTH TO REPAIR THE WATER LEAK HOW ABOUT THIS. I WOULD LIKE TO EMPLOY YOU TO DIG UP THE SOIL AT THE REPAIR SITE. QUOTE PLEASE. SHOULDN'T COST ME MUCH AS IT WILL ONLY TAKE TEN MINUTES TOPS