226 Antigua St, Christchurch Central City, Christchurch 8011, New Zealand
Experience the magnificent natural beauty and isolation of the Eastern bays, valleys and coastline. Travel 120km, weaving in and out of 10 bays from sea level to the crater rim delivering mail to farms and settlements. 5 days a week (Mon- Fri) 5 hour tours. 9am departure. Tours operate all year round and are $75 per person. For reservations please phone the Akaroa Adventure Centre on 03 304 7784. Email: [email protected] or direct with the operators-Jeff & Suzi 03 304 7784 between 5pm and 7pm. If you are a cruise ship passenger you will be picked up at 9am from the Akaroa main wharf for this trip. Otherwise pick up is outside the Akaroa Adventure Centre, in the middle of Akaroa.