226 Antigua St, Christchurch Central City, Christchurch 8011, New Zealand
Primal Kiwi is rooted in the belief that nature has furnished humanity with the essential elements that have propelled our species forward, and will continue to be the key to our prosperity as stewards of the Earth.
In the realm of health, wellness, and nourishment, ancestral wisdom has often been overlooked or diminished over the centuries, especially since the early 1900s. The rapid progress in agricultural technology, including machinery, chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and insecticides, has enabled the mass production of carbohydrates, grains, and vegetables. While this has been lucrative for large-scale food manufacturers, the concurrent rise in obesity and chronic diseases in the Western world prompts reflection.
Many scholars posit that, genetically, humans are best suited for a hunter-gatherer diet and lifestyle. The notion is that our genetic makeup has not adapted to thrive on high carbohydrate intake.
Around the 1930s, Weston Price extensively studied indigenous and traditional populations worldwide, focusing on their diets, lifestyles, health, and longevity. One crucial finding was that the healthiest elderly populations derived the majority of their calories from animal fat, particularly valuing organ meats for their nutrient density. They instinctively followed a “Nose to Tail” diet, understanding that consuming a specific organ could benefit the corresponding organ in their bodies.
A fundamental comprehension of the hormonal effects of different foods on our bodies is essential for optimal health, performance, vitality, and longevity. Metabolic flexibility, crucial for controlling inflammation and effortlessly managing weight and body composition, is our greatest tool. Advanced Western cultures are inundated with advertisements promoting the convenience of high-calorie, low-nutrient, ultra-processed foods, leading to a population described as “Over Fed & Under Nutritionalized.” These foods leave consumers unsatisfied, fostering cravings and the perilous cycle of overeating.
Primal Kiwi supplements offer the most nutrient-dense, clean-burning fuels sourced from nature. We acknowledge that the delicate balance of body temperature, hydration, electrolytes, pH level, blood sugar, blood pressure, hormones, and more, essential for survival, is best supported by nature.
Nature amalgamates nutrients in a more advantageous way than laboratory processes. While plants provide beneficial nutrients through photosynthesis, they also contain anti-nutrients and toxins as a defense mechanism against consumption. Sensitivity to these toxins varies individually but can significantly impact health.
In most instances, animal foods provide the highest quantity of bio-available nutrients per gram, with minimal toxicity for our species. Animals raised on clean New Zealand grass, under sustainable farming practices, produce some of the world’s highest quality meat and organs, making them highly coveted globally.