A while back, I had an accident which left me in a coma for several weeks. I was a very lucky girl to survive and I am thankful for the awesome support which I received at hospital and of course, from my wonderful loving family.
My recovery started with physical and speech therapy, but that was just the beginning.
It’s around this time that I discovered the benefits of fruit and vegetable juices and smoothies. In my case, I found they helped reduce fatigue and gave me more energy, I suffered fewer headaches and my thoughts were a lot clearer.
Like many of us New-Zealanders, I have suffered from eczema and asthma since I was a tiny tot. I discovered that fruits and vegetables that are rich in magnesium and potassium helped to relax my bronchial muscles, and, if combined with super-powerful pineapple helped to clear that film off my chest, calming down swollen wind pipes and helping me breathe a little easier. I also found that beetroot has an amazing internal cleansing ability. Combining beetroot with other ingredients like apples, celery, peppers, parsley, carrots, lemons, ginger, and berries proved to be great at reducing inflammation and improving my circulation. This resulted in a better flow of nutrients to areas that needed them as well as flushing waste from my skin, which helped to control my eczema. I wouldn’t say I have flawless skin but yikes! it’s so much better, and my ‘beetroot face’ nickname has gone burger gone.
I’d never suggest that our products are a quick fix to what ails you but I’m sure you will notice the benefits sooner or later – I did.
Stay healthy and lucky,
The team at Pure Pulp