226 Antigua St, Christchurch Central City, Christchurch 8011, New Zealand
We are your one stop taxi shop for all your taxi needs.
We are dealers / distributors for installing and servicing most common brands of taxi equipment. selling new and reconditioned second hand equipment.
We are authorized agents for:
Taximeters Schmidt – Novax
Mobile Radios, Tait
Peridian Sign Lights
Mobile Data Systems, GPS
Taxi Security cameras VerifEye – Taxi Sentinel
Eftpos and point of sale terminals
Pro Rack mounting systems
Service and Repairs
We are able to offer a total package for the installation. Removal of equipment from your existing taxi, and re installation into your new vehicle, just leave the car with us, you can pick your new vehicle up ready for to work. This is a total solution saving time and money making taxi installation an easy process is what we do. Servicing, and fault finding repairs are performed on site. The vehicle and equipment is checked to ensure that all aspects of your vehicle and equipment are functioning together correctly.
All taxi equipment installed
Equipment testing
Fleet stickers and stripes fitted
COF obtained and meter sealed
Fleet installation and maintenance
Equipment repairs
On Site Driver Training:
Staff are NZQA and NZTA accredited providers, who are qualified to teach, train and assess for P endorsements and area knowledge.
226 Antigua St, Christchurch Central City, Christchurch 8011, New Zealand